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BlogBib: Select Librarian/Library Blogs

Part 5 of BlogBib, An Annotated Bibliography on Weblogs and Blogging, with a Focus on Library/Librarian Blogs...

I'm Susan Herzog, Information Literacy Librarian @ Eastern Connecticut State University.
Last update: January 2007
Due to time constraints and the explosion of articles about blogs, this blog will no longer be updated.

Part 1: Definitions & History
Part 2: Articles & Interviews About Blogs
Part 3: BlogBib: Blogging @Your Library
Part 4: BlogBib: Blogging Tools
Part 6: BlogBib: Books on Blogging
Part 7: BlogBib: Studies on Blogging
Part 8: BlogBib: Presentations on Blogging

Criteria for selection included currency, focus (blogs that were more personal than professional were excluded), pioneers and experts, and representative blogs from various types of libraries and from various countries. Only English language blogs were included.

Akerman, Richard. “Science Library Pad.” http://scilib.typepad.com/.
Akerman, technology architect and information security officer, National Research Council-Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, blogs on a wide variety of issues (not just science!).

Aron, Guy. "eprintblog." http://www.bloglines.com/blog/eprintblog.
Maintained by Aron, an academic librarian in Melbourne, Australia, this blog focuses on E-print archives in universities and colleges.

Association of College & Research Libraries.
“ACRLog.” http://www.acrlblog.org/
ACRLog is the official blog of the Association of College & Research Libraries. The blog is authored by a group of academic librarians referred as the BAB (Blog Advisory Board). The BAB has a simple mission for this blog: ACRLog is a blog that aims to discuss the issues of the day in the field of academic librarianship. It will strive to get you thinking about what you do, why you do it, and how it fits into this enterprise we call higher education. We are passionate about academic librarianship so we will call it the way we see it. You may not always agree with us - and when you do or don’t - let us know - but if we get you thinking about the issues that impact on academic librarianship then we are doing our job. We look forward to your involvement, at whatever level you choose, from reader, to commentor, to contributor.

Bailey, Charles W. Jr. “Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog.” http://www.digital-scholarship.org/sepb/sepw/sepw.htm.
This blog highlights new resources from the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography.

Baumgart, Jessica. “j's scratchpad.” http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/jkbaumga/.
Baumgart, one of the Harvard bloggers, is Information Resources Specialist at the Harvard News Office, Cambridge, MA. While her blog is of particular interest to special librarians, she blogs on a wide range of library issues.

Bell, Steven J. “The Kept-Up Academic Librarian.” http://keptup.typepad.com/academic/.
Bell, Director, Gutman Library, Philadelphia University (PA) and Adjunct Professor at the Drexel University College of Information Science and Technology, started a blog “Helping Academic Librarians ‘Keep Up’ With News and Developments In Higher Education: One of my passions is ‘keeping up.’ This means finding sources that will help me and professional colleagues to have access to sources of news, developments, trends, and more - about librarianship and related fields. It also means exploring and discovering technologies that will make keeping up easier and more efficient.”

Bigwood, David. “Catalogablog.” http://catalogablog.blogspot.com/.
Library cataloging issues, concerns, and related topics from Bigwood, Assistant Manager of Library Services, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, and the liaison between the Cataloging Committee and the Physics Astronomy Mathematics (PAM) Division in the Special Libraries Association.

Block, Marylaine. “Neat New Stuff on the Net - Weekly Reviews of New Sites.” http://marylaine.com/neatnew.html.
Block, prolific writer and inspiring speaker, creator of Best Information on the Net, O'Keefe Library, St. Ambrose University, selects “usually free sites of substantial reference value, authoritative, browsable, searchable, and packed with information, whether educational or aimed at answering everday questions. I'll also include one or two sites that are just fun.”

Bowman, Elizabeth A. “Thacher Library Blog.” http://thacherlibrary.blogspot.com/.
Bowman, Library Director, James G. Boswell Library, The Thacher School, Ojai, CA, posts “links to high-quality web sites, services and resources within the James G. Boswell Library at The Thacher School.”

Bradley, Phil. “Phil Bradley's Blog.” http://www.philbradley.typepad.com/.
Bradley, UK Information Specialist and Internet Consultant, writes a monthly column for the CILIP Update magazine and a quarterly column on search engines for Ariadne. His blog is “For librarians and people interested in search engines, searching the net, designing web pages, new utilities and so on. Short commentaries, keeping you up to date with the world of internet search and design.”

Calishain, Tara. “ResearchBuzz.” http://www.researchbuzz.org/wp/.
Written and edited by Calishain, a prolific writer, who started ResearchBuzz to support the 2nd edition of her first book on Internet research, Official Netscape Guide to Internet Research, published by Ventana in 1996. “ResearchBuzz is designed to cover the world of Internet research. To that end this site provides almost daily updates on search engines, new data managing software, browser technology, large compendiums of information, Web directories -- whatever. If in doubt, the final question is, ‘Would a reference librarian find it useful?’ If the answer's yes, in it goes!”

Carver, Blake. “LISNews.” http://www.lisnews.com/.
November 2, 1999, assisted by fellow librarian Steve Galbraith, and programmer Nabeal Ahmed, Carver, now Assistant Professor and Web Librarian, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, started a “collaborative weblog devoted to current events and news in the world of Library and Information Science. A dedicated team of authors scours the Web to find stories they find interesting. You'll find links to interesting stories and Web sites, along with original stories, interviews and reviews. LISNews is updated frequently around the clock, usually 7 days a week. We are a non-commercial site, supported by our users.” To learn a bit about the collaborators, see http://lisnews.org/authors.pl.

Center, Emily. “Framingham Public Library Teen Blogomatic.” http://fplya.blogspot.com/.
Center, YA librarian, Framingham Public Library, Framingham, MA: “Framingham Public Library Young Adult Blog (fplya)! - the place for reading tips, book chats, library events, groovy websites, news, and more - all put together by your friendly neighborhood YA librarian!”

Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative. “Become A Librarian!”
This is a creative use of a blog by the Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative to recruit librarians to the field.

Chew, Ivan. “Rambling Librarian :: Incidental Thoughts.” http://ramblinglibrarian.blogspot.com/.
Chew, National Library Board member and manager of Bukit Merah, one of Singapore’s many community libraries writes about his passion, public librarianship. His “main professional interest is in library services for People with Disabilities.”

Chudnov, Dan. “oss4lib.” http://www.oss4lib.org/.
Chudnov, Systems Architect, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT: “Our mission is to cultivate the collaborative power of open source software engineering to build better and free systems for use in libraries. Toward this end, we maintain a listing of free software and systems designed for libraries (the physical, books-on-shelves kind), and we track news about project updates or related issues of interest.”

Cohen, Steven M. “Library Stuff.” http://www.librarystuff.net/.
Cohen, Assistant Librarian for Rivkin, Radler, LLP, Uniondale, NY, is the creator of Library Stuff, a library weblog “dedicated to resources for keeping current and professional development”. He is also the “Internet Spotlight” columnist for Public Libraries magazine, and his first book, Keeping Current – Advanced Internet Strategies to Meet Librarian and Patron Needs, was published by ALA in October, 2003. He also was honored in 2004 as one of 55 "Movers and Shakers" by Library Journal.

Coombs, Karen A. “Library Chic.” http://www.librarywebchic.net/.
Coombs, Electronic Services Librarian, SUNY Cortland, blogs about web design and technology in libraries; she has a section, "On the BLeading Edge ", where she experiments with various web technologies.

Delaney, Patrick. “Li-Blog-Ary.” http://www.galileoweb.org/galileoLibrary/.
Delaney, librarian at the Galileo Academy of Science and Technology, San Francisco, CA, a public science magnet high school, has a blog for “the library’s digital daily agenda.”

Dempsey, Lorcan. “Lorcan Dempsey's weblog.” http://orweblog.oclc.org/.
Dempsey, Vice President of Research and Chief Strategist for OCLC, has a blog subtitled, “On libraries, services and networks.”

Dupuis, John. “Confessions of a Science Librarian.” http://jdupuis.blogspot.com/.
Dupuis, Science & Electronic Resources Librarian at Steacie Science Library, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada, “features links and pointers to information of interest to academic science librarians.”

Dysart, Jane I., Rebecca J. Jones, and Marydee Ojala. “DysartJones.com.” http://www.dysartjones.com/.
Dysart & Jones, consultants in information management, strategic and business planning, service design, organizational structuring and market positioning, conference planning, information audit, customized workshops, facilitation, team and management coaching, maintain this blog on myriad library and information issues. Ojala, Editor, ONLINE: The Leading Magazine for Information Professionals, often posts from the conferences they’re all deeply involved with organizing: KMWorld, Internet Librarian, and Computers in Libraries.

Eastman, Garrett. “Rowland Institute Library Blog.” http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/rihlib/.
One of the Harvard blogs, “this is the weblog of the Rowland Institute at Harvard Library, maintained by Garrett Eastman, Librarian. Here I will post links to websites, articles and resources of interest to Rowland scientists as well as material about issues concerning science libraries.”

Edwards, Eli. “Confessions of a Mad Librarian.” http://edwards.orcas.net/~misseli/blog/.
Owned and maintained by Eli Edwards, this was cited as one of the new weblogs to watch by Frederick Emrich at commons-blog.

Etches-Johnson, Amanda. “Blogging Libraries Wiki.” http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/links/index.php?title=Welcome_to_the_Blogging_

Etches-Johnson is a Reference Librarian at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
"blogging libraries," Etches-Johnson’s list of library blogs, categorized by Academic Libraries, Public Libraries, School Libraries, Special Libraries, Internal Blogs, Library Associations, and Library Directors, has evolved into the Blogging Libraries Wiki. Read about why this changed occurred.

___. blogwithoutalibrary.net.” Her blog includes “discussion about and links to some of the very interesting and engaging ways libraries are making use of blogs, RSS, and other emerging technologies to serve their users.”

___. “Library News & Events.”
Etches-Johnson is behind this new collaborative blog. Excellent features include ability to search the blog by keyword, ability to browse by category and month, and Library RSS Feeds:
  • All Library News
  • Mills (Humanities & Soc. Sci.)
  • Innis (Business)
  • Thode (Science & Engineering)
  • Health Sciences
  • Alerts
  • Archives and Research Collections
  • Endeca
  • e-Resources
  • Events
  • Hot Docs
  • Instruction
  • Maps/Data/Gov Pubs
  • Mills Learning Commons News
  • New Books
  • Trial e-Resources
  • Web Resources

Francoeur, Stephen. “Digital Reference.” http://www.teachinglibrarian.org/weblog/blogger.html.
Francoeur, Information Services Librarian, Baruch College, NY, focuses on virtual reference: “Chat reference = virtual reference = live online reference = real-time reference =REFERENCE (a Teaching Librarian blog).”

Frost, Gary. “futureofthebook.com.” http://futureofthebook.com/.
Frost, Conservator for the Libraries, University of Iowa, is an educator in book art and book conservation. He has taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Columbia University, NY, and the University of Texas, Austin. His blog focuses on “preservation and persistence of the changing book.”

Frumkin, Jeremy. “The Digital Librarian.” http://digitallibrarian.org/.
Frumkin, a metadata systems librarian, became the first person to hold the Gray Chair for Innovative Library Services in the Valley Library at Oregon State University. His blog addresses a wide range of library issues with the byline information, organization, and access.

Gateshead Libraries. "et cetera
iKnow: Gateshead Libraries." http://www.libraryweblog.com/.
Blogging since 2001, Gateshead Libraries was the first UK public library blog.

Georgia State University Library. “Library News and Subject Blogs.” http://www.library.gsu.edu/news/.
If there was a prize for the library with the most blogs, Georgia State University Library would win; this is an outstanding example of the value of blogs in an academic library.

“The Handheld Librarian.” http://www.handheldlib.blogspot.com/.
A collaborative weblog concerned with "
handheld computer news, ideas, and opinions from librarians and others interested in libraries."

Harwell, Jonathan. “Mesoj.” http://www.bloglines.com/blog/mesoj.
Harwell, University of Alabama, Birmingham, decribes his blog as “an education blog from an education librarian. The Shqip word ‘mesoj’ from Albania, where your blogger was once a schoolteacher, has three alternate meanings: I learn, I study, or I teach.”

Hill, Casey. “NewPages.” http://www.newpages.com/weblog/default.htm.
NewPages is the weblog of NewPages.com, the Portal of Independents! Coverage is “The Alternative Guide to New Books, Magazines & Music along with News & Views from the Net of Interest to Booksellers, Publishers, Librarians, Writers & Readers.”

Houghton, Sarah. “LibrarianInBlack.” http://librarianinblack.typepad.com/librarianinblack/.
Houghton, Information and Web Services Manager, San Mateo County Library, San Rafael, CA, is a consultant for the Infopeople Project, a member of the California Library Association's Assembly, and serves on LITA's Top Technology Trends Committee. Houghton started her blog “out of my displeasure at having to wade through dozens of websites, blogs, & RSS feeds related to librarianship, technology, webmastery, and current issues to find those few posts that applied to me as a Tech Librarian. I hope this site can serve as a one-stop-shop for all us Techie Librarians...web design, technology news, library world news, reference stuff, funky gadgets, and other useful (or simply amusing) sites and posts.”

Indiana State Library. “ISL BLOG IT!” http://lishost.org/~instate/.
Perhaps the first state library to produce a blog.

“Internet Scout Weblog.” http://scout.wisc.edu/Weblog/.
The Scout blog is from the Internet Scout Project: “In the course of our daily surfing for the Scout Reports we come across numerous interesting items that for some reason or another don't quite fit our selection criteria. Rather than just sharing these items with each other or allowing them to sink unnoticed beneath the digital sands, we decided to create the Internet Scout Weblog, a new and separate service to complement our Reports. Like most 'Blogs, the type and number of resources listed in the Internet Scout Weblog may vary considerably from day to day. Most of the items are culled from the academic sources we rely on for the Reports, but may also include general interest or pithy sites or stories that strike our fancy (or funnybone).”

Johnson, Sarah and Rachel Singer Gordon. "Beyond the Job." http://librarycareers.blogspot.com/.
“Professional tips for librarians: Articles, job-hunting advice, professional development opportunities, and other news and ideas on how to further your library career…compiled by the Library Job People.”

King, David. “dave's blog.” http://daweed.blogspot.com/.
King, IT & Web Project Manager, Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City, MO, subtitles his blog: “Cool stuff about library web sites - usability, searching, new technologies, design ... and whatever else I decide to post :-)”.

Lavallée-Welch, Catherine. “EngLib.” http://www.englib.info/.
Lavallée-Welch, Electronic Resources Librarian of an Engineering and Physical Sciences Library: “EngLib is a way for me to pass along information of interest to Engineering and Applied Science librarians. You will see news about conferences, databases, vendors, professional associations, job openings and other news that I find interesting.”

Levine, Jenny. “The Shifted Librarian.” http://www.theshiftedlibrarian.com/.
Levine, Internet Development Specialist and Strategy Guide for the American Library Association (ALA), “has one simple goal: to help us librarians become as technologically adept as our users are so that we can deliver services to them when and where they wish to use them and in their preferred medium and platform. authored a blog called The Shifted Librarian since 2002. On her blog, Levine regularly posts information about ‘cool tools,’ along with comments about how librarians could use them in their daily tasks. Her blog also links to her PowerPoint presentation explaining the ‘shifted librarian’ concept.” Library Journal Movers & Shakers, March 15, 2003.

Lorenzen, Michael. “The Information Literacy Land of Confusion.” http://lorenzen.blogspot.com/.
Lorenzen, Head of Reference Services, Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI has a blog “discussing library user education, library instruction, librarianship, information literacy, and search engines.”

Moraine Valley Community College Library. “The Library's New Blogs (and, What's a Blog?).” http://www2.sls.lib.il.us/MVCC/librarynews/.
This page introduces blogs to the Moraine Valley Community College Library (Palos Hills, IL) community, offering a definition of a blog and links to four library blogs (Library News, Resources & Search Tips, Construction Updates, and the Frankenstein Exhibit) and their most recent entries.

National Library of Scotland. “News.” http://www.nls.uk/news/.
News from the National Library of Scotland.

O'Neill, Jill. “A Current Awareness Weblog for the Information Community.” http://www.nfais.org/news/news.cfm.
O'Neill, Director, Planning and Communications, National Federation of Science Abstracting and Indexing Services (NFSAIS), has a blog which “represents an international cross-section of technology, publishing and information providers. It is a partnership of government, nonprofit and commercial organizations – all sharing a common mission of improved access to, and use of, information.”

The Open Directory Project
. “Reference: Libraries: Library and Information Science: Weblogs.” http://dmoz.org/Reference/Libraries/Library_and_Information_Science/Weblogs/.
An annotated list of library/librarian blogs from The Open Directory Project. Listing 336 (as of November 2004).

Pacifica Graduate Institute. “Graduate Research Library.” http://www.online.pacifica.edu/pgl/.
A good example of a collaborative library news blog.

Pacifici, Sabrina I. “beSpacific.” http://www.bespacific.com/.
Pacifici has been an active member of the online legal community for many years. She created the webzine LLRX.com in 1996 and is the site's owner, editor, publisher and web manager. She created the journal PLL Perspectives in 1989, and served as its only editor and publisher until 1996. Sabrina has authored many articles on legal technology topics, delivered numerous presentations at professional conferences nationwide, and has been a law firm librarian in Washington, DC for 25 years, the past 20 with a global 50 law firm. She is the web manager of the firm's cyberlaw site and firmwide research intranet, authors in-house blogs, and provides research and practice technology services.

beSpacific “focuses on the expanding resources in the public and private sector related to law and technology news. Daily postings provide updates on issues including copyright, privacy, censorship, the Patriot Act, ID theft, and freedom of information….The weblog was launched to the public January 4, 2003. The archives cover entries back to September 2002.”

Pate, Michael. “LibraryPlanet.com.” http://www.libraryplanet.com/.
Associate Director of University Libraries, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, subtitles his blog “A Librarian's Look at the World at Large”. His top four categories are Biographies (179)
Fair Use (411)

Intellectual Freedom (285)

Knowledge Management (190)

Pikas, Christina. “CHRISTINA'S LIS RANT.” http://christinaslibraryrant.blogspot.com/.
Science & Technology Librarian, Johns Hopkins University, has a blog on “Sci/Tech libraries, special libraries, personal information management, sci/tech scholarly comms." She's a "librarian in a physics, astronomy, math, computer science, and engineering library."

___. “On Christina's Radar.” http://cpikas.blogspot.com/.
Pikas’ “starter blog to post
scitech stuff that I run across in my environmental scanning. The main subjects are: math, physics, astronomy, engineering, computer science.

Price, Gary. “ResourceShelf.” http://www.resourceshelf.com/.
ResourceShelf: Resources and News for Information Professionals
is compiled and edited by
Price, librarian and the Director of Online Information Resources at Ask.com and Shirl Kennedy, with contributing editors , Dan Giancaterino, and Steven Cohen. This daily electronic newsletter includes news and other resources of interest to the online researcher. Price has also compiled several well-known web research tools including Price's List of Lists and direct search, a compilation of Invisible Web databases. Price is a frequent speaker at professional and trade conferences, a contributor to Searcher magazine, and the co-author, with Chris Sherman, of The Invisible Web.

Redwood City Public Library. "Liblog.” http://www.rcpl.info/services/liblog.html.
Subtitled “a library and technology oriented weblog” from the Redwood City (CA) Public Library, this blog includes “current web sites and stories dealing with the interface between technology and libraries.”

Reichardt, Randy. “The SciTech Library Question.” http://stlq.info/.
Reichardt, Public Service Librarian, Science and Technology Library, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada: “Occasional postings about issues and concerns of interest (but not restricted to) engineering and scitech librarians.”

Rosenfeld, Louis. “Bloug.” http://louisrosenfeld.com/home/.
Louis Rosenfeld's blog, focusing on Information Architecture. Rosenfeld, an independent information architecture consultant, “has been instrumental in helping to establish the field of information architecture, and in articulating the role and value of librarianship within the field.”

Roselle Public Library. “The Blogger Book Club.” http://www.roselle.lib.il.us/YouthServices/BookClub/Bloggerbookclub.htm.
The Blogger Book Club
is an “invitation only,” online, book discussion group from the Roselle Public Library, Roselle, IL. “It is an opportunity for kids to share their thoughts and ideas about books, anonymously, at their convenience and from wherever they happen to be (at home, on vacation, in the library... wherever!). Most of the books we will be talking about are nominees for the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award….The book club is open to kids in grades 4 – 6 who have a valid Library card at any library.”

Saecker, Tasha. "Kids Lit." http://www.greenlakelibrary.org/kidslit/.
“Books and More for Kids and Teens” from Saecker, Director,
Menasha Public Library, Menasha, WI.

___. “Sites and Soundbytes.” Another blog from Saecker on “Libraries, Books, Technology and News.” http://sites.menashalibrary.org/.

Sauers, Michael. “Travelin' Librarian.”

Sauers, Internet Trainer for the Bibliographical Center for Research (BCR) Member Services Division and part-time reference librarian for the Arapahoe County (CO) Library District, is also currently on the Board of Trustees for the Aurora (CO) Public Library and the Friends of the Aurora Public Library. His blog covers a wide range of library issues.

Schmidt, Aaron. “walking paper.” http://www.walkingpaper.org/.
Schmidt, reference librarian, Thomas Ford Memorial Library, Western Springs, IL, explains the name of his blog: “the term ‘walking paper’ is a way in which I think of new(ish) information technologies. Things like IM and text messaging are like active, animated paper to me. The term also is one letter away from ‘walking papers,’ something that librarians don’t want to be handed (and shouldn’t be handed, if we pay attention) because of technology.” Schmidt’s pioneering use of IM (you get your first clue from the text in his blog) was featured in Library Journal on 11/15/2004 http://www.walkingpaper.org/index.php?id=127.

Schneider, Karen G. "Free Range Librarian." http://freerangelibrarian.com/.
“K.G. Schneider's Postcards from the Edge of Librarianship”; Schneider, Director, Librarians’ Index to the Internet, is on the Web Advisory Committee of the American Library Association, co-moderates the PUBLIB discussion list, and is on the ALA Council.

School Library Association. “SLA WEBLOG.” http://www.sla.org.uk/blog/slablog.html.
The School Library Association weblog includes "news and information that will be of interest to both our members and anyone else who is interested in school libraries."

Schwartz, Greg. “Open Stacks.” http://openstacks.net/os/.
Schwartz, Circulation Support Supervisor, Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, KY, subtitles his blog “Promoting information access and literacy for all”. Open Stacks contains occasional posts on a wide variety of library issues; Schwartz posts more frequently on LIS Blogsource.

Scott, Peter. "Library Weblogs." http://www.libdex.com/weblogs.html.
Peter Scott’s comprehensive international list of library blogs from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, England, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, Singapore, Sweden, and the United States.

Scott, Internet Projects Manager, University of Saskatchewan Library, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, is the creator of Hytelnet, the first electronic browser for Internet resources, and Libdex, the worldwide directory of library homepages, web-based OPACs, Friends of the Library pages, and library e-commerce affiliate links.

___. “Peter Scott's Library Blog.” http://blog.xrefer.com/.
Internet and blogging pioneer Peter Scott’s Library News Daily blog has been reincarnated as Peter Scott's Library Blog. Providing “timely and useful information for librarians”, Scott's blog includes issues such as databases, conferences, library services, software, and vendors. It will also provide industry- related links, including listings of new books, journals, and conferences of interest to librarians. From this blog, you can find links to academic, public, school, and special library blogs.

Seeman, Corey. "A Library Writer's Blog." http://librarywriting.blogspot.com/.
Seeman, University of Toledo, OH, created a blog to alert fellow librarians to publishing and presentation opportunities in library and information science, as well as other related fields.

Sen-Roy, Mita. “Leddy Library News.” http://webvoy.uwindsor.ca:8081/?p=92.
Sen-Roy, Science Librarian, Reference Department, Leddy Library, University of Windsor, ON, Canada, maintains this blog, which started September 15, 2000 as "an experiment in a local current awareness service….Since then it has evolved as a means to connect the Leddy Library to the lives of its users.”

Shontz, Priscilla and Rich Murray. “LIScareer.” http://www.liscareer.com/.
Shontz, a freelance author and webmaster, has worked in university, community college, medical and public libraries, and is a past president of the ALA New Members Round Table. In September 2004, she invited Rich Murray, Catalog Librarian for Spanish & Portuguese Languages at Duke University, Durham, NC, to serve as assistant editor of LIScareer.

LIScareer offers career development resources for librarians, information professionals, students & those considering a career in library & information science. The site includes practical advice contributed by information professionals, links to online resources, and information about print resources. The site was originally designed as a companion to the book Jump Start Your Career in Library and Information Science and is loosely structured around the same topics: career planning, job hunting, experience, education, interpersonal skills, networking, mentoring, leadership, and publishing. The site, like the book, is primarily aimed at newer librarians and students, though the advice and resources may be useful to you at any stage of your career. This site will also serve as a companion to the book The Librarian's Career Guidebook.”

Smart, Laura J. “RFID in Libraries.” http://www.libraryrfid.net/wordpress/.
Smart, Electronic Resources Cataloger, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona: “Tracking technology applications and patron privacy implications of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).”

Smith, Norma Jean. “Elementary School Blog.”http://elementary-school.blogspot.com/.
Blog of school librarian Smith, “who works in Austin, Texas. Includes sites designed for elementary school teachers and librarians.”

Sondermann, T.J. “On Google Scholar.” http://schoogle.blogspot.com/.
Sondermann, Research and Instruction Librarian, Wheaton College, Norton, MA, has created a blog about Schoogle, the “affectionate” name coined for Google’s new enterprise: “wherein a librarian tracks a paradigm shift. Love it or hate it, the effect will be profound.”

Stephens, Michael. “Tame the Web.” http://www.tametheweb.com/ttwblog/.
Written by Stephens, Special Projects Librarian, St. Joseph County Public Library, South Bend, IN, and a member of the IMLS Distance Independent PhD. Cohort, University of North Texas. “Topics include current and future technology uses in libraries, training tips and various other interests concerning library settings.”

Turner, Bill. “Lists Of Bests.” http://www.listsofbests.com/.
While this is not a library blog, Turner, who works for Yahoo!, provides a creative example of how blogs can be used by libraries. He has collected all the "best of" books, music, and movie lists in one blog and has set up a vehicle where you can track the books, etc. you’ve read.

The Urbana Free Library. “Library Construction News.” http://urbanafreelibrary.org/bldgblog.html
The Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL epitomizes a creative use of blogging with their photoblog of news on their renovation.

University of Minnesota. “Uthink: Blogs at the University Libraries.” http://blog.lib.umn.edu/.
University of Minnesota’s University Libraries provide blogs for faculty, staff, and students of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, “intended to support teaching and learning, scholarly communication, and individual expression for the U of M community.” Exceptional example of blogs in academic libraries empowering faculty and students to publish their research and ideas and work collaboratively.

University of Saskatchewan. “Health News.” http://library.usask.ca/hsl/healthnews.html.
Up-to-date health news from the Health Sciences Library, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.

The University of Tennessee Libraries. “Alpha Channel: The Studio @ Hodges Library.” http://www.lib.utk.edu/mt/weblogs/studio/.
This is one of four “news channels” from The University of Tennessee Libraries. Maintained by Troy Davis, Michelle Brannen, and Matt Denton of the Media Center and Studio, “in addition to serving as an electronic newsletter for library multimedia services, Alpha Channel will also provide information of value and commentary relating to the multimedia universe, digital culture and research, library collections, and media arts.”

___. “SciTech News @ the UT Libraries.” http://www.lib.utk.edu/mt/weblogs/scitech/.
Maintained by the Library's SciTech librarians (Donna Braquet, Ron Gilmour, Jeaninne Williamson, Lana Dixon, Teresa Berry, Ann Viera, Sandra Leach, and Kay Johnson) “to provide information about scientific resources and science related library news to the science departments at UT”. Additional channels are Electronic Resources Channel http://www.lib.utk.edu/mt/weblogs/eres/, maintained by Gayle Baker, “to provide our users with up-to-date news and information about databases, electronic journals and other electronic resources at the UT Libraries.” and Scholarly Communication @ UT Libraries http://www.lib.utk.edu/mt/weblogs/scholcomm/, maintained by Donna Braquet, to provide “news, commentary, and links about scholarly communications issues in the academy. As suggested by the University of Tennessee Library Representatives, the channel will also publicize actions that UT faculty are taking to promote maximum access to scholarly resources produced by and for the academic community.”

University of Toronto. “Inforumed - The FIS Inforum Blog.” http://www.fis.utoronto.ca/resources/inforum/blog/.
The Integrated Library and Information Studies Laboratory Blog at the Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.

Vogel, Teri M. “
SD Librarian - Webfeeds, Blogs & More.” http://sdlibrarian.blogspot.com/.
Chemistry Librarian, University of California, San Diego, provides “News and commentary about tools for library and information professionals, including--but not limited to--blogs and webfeeds (RSS).”

Waterboro Public Library (ME). “…h20boro lib blog.” http://www.waterborolibrary.org/blog.htm
This public library weblog of literary and library news and resources is an outstanding example of blogs in public libraries.

Webber, Sheila and Stuart Boon. "Information Literacy Weblog." http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/.
“The focus of our Information Literacy Weblog is to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of relevant items and information relating to information literacy worldwide…the place to visit if you want to find out about what's going on in the world of information literacy, including upcoming events, recent publications, or new websites on the topic.” Sheila Webber, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, UK, is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). Bill Johnston is a Lecturer, Centre for Academic Practice, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. Stuart Boon is a research associate in information literacy, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, UK.

West, Jessamyn. “librarian.net: a library weblog.” http://librarian.net/.
West, Reference Librarian, Rutland Free Library, Rutland, VT, ALA Councilor, co-editor of Revolting Librarians Redux, and popular speaker, describes her blog as “links to things online that I think are interesting and thought provoking, as well as some discussion of a few of those topics. I want librarian.net to bring out the librarian flavor on the web.”

Williams College Libraries. “Sawyer Library Web Team.” http://wclwebteam.blogspot.com/.
An excellent example of an intranet blog, this is a collaborative blog used by the web team at Williams College Libraries.

Wilson, Thomas Daniel. “Information Research.” http://www.free-conversant.com/irweblog/.
Wilson, Professor Emeritus in Information Management, University of Sheffield, UK, is Publisher of Information Research, “an open access, refereed, electronic journal covering the information field generally, that is, information management, information science,information systems, records management, and librarianship…The aim of this Weblog is to enable readers of Information Research to exchange information on publications, Web sites, or whatever, that they've come across that may be of interest to others.”

Wright, Stephanie. “TechnoBiblio.” http://www.technobiblio.com/.
Wright’s blog, “Where librarians and technogeeks speak the same language…is intended to provide a resource for the latest news, opinions, discussions, and just about anything we can come up with that focuses on technology and how it relates to the library and information science world.”

Part 1: BlogBib: Definitions & History

Part 6: BlogBib: Books on Blogging